The glue keeping this country together.

This week, every time I speak with a cashier, or barista, or waiter, or nurse, or doctor, or pharmacist, or janitor, or gym worker, or mail delivery person or teacher, I thank them for keeping the city of Missoula running, and our country. They are the glue that keeps our lives functioning during these unique times. They are irreplaceable and on the front lines.

Thank you all.

An outstanding bull elk in the Montana mountains.

Montana, big bucks, and winter.

Well folks, winter has arrived here in the great North of Montana. I’m busy writing and about to head to a doctors appointment. But first I’d like to post this image of a great white-tailed deer taken last week on the prairie. It’s been an absolute honor to live in these great mountains the last six years.

Big moose in Glacier, writing update.

Hey everyone. I’m in Missoula working on THE PULLER script and braving winter, haha. I have some cool writing news coming I’m very excited about, too. Also a NEW short story collection is coming soon. Winter is time to write, and get new work out there to you all. I appreciate your patience and having my back over these last few years!

Also, you can now follow my official Facebook page HERE.

A handsome bull moose in Glacier.