Greetings from the Inland PNW

Long time, no talk my friends. Life has been nuts. I’ve locked myself into a rustic hotel room in Idaho to force myself to finish a new novel and a new screenplay. The beauty is I can walk everywhere, too. No distractions, no driving, no nonsense.


I’ve been on the road a long time filming wildlife and adventure scenes for my social media, which now reaches between 10 and 30 million people a month. Honestly, this has been a gigantic distraction from my writing.

And my writing is #1. Period.

I can’t lie though, it’s been fun.  

So, the first draft of the new screenplay is almost done. I can’t discuss the concept publically, but it is so cool.

I’m hoping to have some good news on my novel BITTERROOT soon (an experimental take on remote horror). Also, THE PULLER movie is still in development (based on my novel), for those of you who ask me about that all the time (and many of you do).  I spoke with the producer last week…

In addition to that I had a short story optioned for a TV series (one episode based off it), and I plan to be involved in a few anthologies this year in an effort to get back to my roots a little bit.

The social media thing has caused some issues in public and in terms of freedom and I feel like I haven’t been as grounded as I should be. And my writing is absolutely what grounds me. Always has been.

I’m looking forward to pivoting back to that.

In addition, I wanted to thank all of you who’ve stuck by me since THE PULLER was published, since the early days of my Facebook page, and the early days of my photography. Know that I love you all.


– Michael

One thought on “Greetings from the Inland PNW

  1. Hello Michael and greetings from Germany!
    Just wanted to leave a quick feedback on your latest update! I absolutely love your work, and can’t really decide if it your writing or the gorgeous videos you post! I guess I take both, lol.
    Just finished reading “The Gloaming” and I loved each story and some of them really hit me hard emotionally because they were describing something I was going through too, although for me in a different environment, of course! And I will definitely re-read “The Puller” again for I kinda rushed through it the first time… but that’s your fault because you got me so excited to see how it would end!
    I’m very much looking forward to reading and seeing new stories and content from you!
    In times like these, we’re all tested to find our equilibrium and retain our emotional balance! I totally get it that you are trying to get more grounded and if it’s writing that does that then I wish you the peace of mind and inspiration to accomplish whatever you set out to do!
    Social media interaction can indeed suck you in like a multi armed octopus and consume much of your time!
    So I totally understand that you need to set priorities!
    However you manage to get likes and comments on my comments on your FB page in and I just wanted to let you know that I greatly appreciate that!
    As I am sure, everyone else does!
    Among all that’s going on in your busy life, I hope you’ll always find the time to do something that nourishes your soul! Sending love and blessings your way for all your projects!
    Sybille Crane

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