Dead Bait 2 release date and revisions

I’ve been told that Dead Bait 2 is on track for a January release. I can’t wait to get a copy in my hands, and I’m sure the stories will be first-rate.

I’m in the process of finishing the second draft of my novel. I’m pleased with the progress and the lack of major changes. My plan for the first draft was 1200 words a day of quality writing, keeping careful track of momentum and story arc. I hope to have the novel prepared for my beta reader by Christmas. I’m happy with the immediate immersion into action; I’m not a fan of backstory at the beginning of a book. I know the characters so well, I feel like I can reach out and talk to them. This includes the creatures. Yes, the novel is full of them. I mean really full. The story is so stuffed with creatures they are slithering out of my manuscript and clawing at my face. But this work also has humor, love, and of course despair. Lots of despair.

The “experts” say you should write what you want to read. That definitely applies here. Cormac McCarthy’s The Road was a major inspiration for this novel in terms of cutting out the fat and just telling the damn story.

I’ve also finished a 5,000 word short story which might be my best. It will be revised this weekend and possibly sent out Christmas week.

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season. Don’t be too good.


Tomorrow I start the second draft of my second novel which I completed in September. The last third of the novel was written at various campgrounds across the west. I had planned to finish the first draft before the trip, but you know how life works. I wrote in my tent, on a picnic table and in the Two Medicine campground store in Glacier National Park. I look forward to reading it for the first time. It’s been six weeks since I even peeked at it. I’m proud of the work, and I feel the revision should go smoothly.

My first novel still sits on my hard drive and numerous backups (external platter drive, CF cards). This one takes a nonlinear approach, and will require much more work in the revision, although I’m thrilled with the story and consider it “my baby”. Revisions for this piece will begin as soon as novel number two gets sent out.

Both are going to require massive effort, but I’m up for it. Who said this writing thing was going to be easy?

Because of the revisions, I have placed new novel projects on hold, even though I have a few things swirling in my head. They will have to wait for now. I can’t see myself giving my revision one hundred percent while giving a new creation the same effort daily. Something has to give in that process.

On Thursday I will complete my new short story “The Gull and the Shadow”. Ten days ago I finished another short story called “Without”. I’m not sure what to do with either story at this point. I’m leaning towards one of the stories being novel material. It’s tough to decide what has the potential to go 80,000+ words without padding, but that is how I ended up with my first two novels. Both started as short stories, and at a certain point I realized I was writing a novel. The trigger for this decision is usually a rush of intriguing ideas and twists which can only be addressed in a lengthy format.

I hope everyone had a great Halloween. It’s my favorite holiday, if you couldn’t tell. 😉

The coolest writing office I’ve ever had:

Dead Bait 2 artwork, TOC

I’ve been told this artwork is a work in progress, so it may not be the finished product. I love this cover.

Also, here is the TOC, which I am honored to be a part of:

Cody Goodfellow                    Quiet Island

Anthony Wedd                       Worst Thing Ever

Matthew Fryer                       Ternskull Point

Tim Curran                            Lonely After Dark

Michael Hodges                      Shiners

James Harris                          Ferry-moans

Murphy Edwards                    Heavy Weather

Paul A. Freeman                    The Mer-Monkey

Raleigh Dugal                        Captain Fontaine and the Man-Eater

Ramsey Campbell                  TBC

Guy N Smith                           TBC

Steve alten                             TBC

Dead Bait 2 Anthology

 I’m also thrilled to announce that my story “Shiners” has been accepted for the Dead Bait 2 Anthology by Severed Press.  It is my understanding this will be available in fall/winter at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  Like Fearology 2, this has a great looking lineup and I’m honored to be a part of it.  Both of these anthologies revolve around creatures, which seems to be the theme/direction I ‘m currently engaged in, although I’m surrounding these strange animals (in some cases not so strange such as the grizzly in “Apex Mountain”) with a realistic environment and real characters. Dark suspense with a touch of the odd is a good description.

I also have two thrillers ready for revision, and without giving too much away, both of these involve creatures of one sort or another.