Seven Fish for Sarah – Penumbra Magazine

My utopian tale “Seven Fish for Sarah” has been accepted for publication by Penumbra Magazine. I’m really excited about this one, and I’ll post more news as it comes.

In the meantime, I’m hopefully headed back up to Glacier National Park and perhaps over to Seattle and Olympic National Park. It’s been an amazing few weeks in the woods and on the road, and I’d like to thank Carrie and Jen in Bozeman for their hospitality. It seems in many ways that the people of Montana are happier with the way things are. I don’t think the scenery hurts.

In the Realm of Mountain Kings

Magic still exists, and majestic landscapes filled with creatures as wild as any imagination could dream of.

Greetings from the heart off the Northern Rockies, where the last grizzlies roam.

I filmed this mother and her cub in Glacier National Park.

It’s been an incredible trip, and the camping/road time has allowed for a plethora of ideas for the second half of my new novel.

In writing news, my story “Grangy” is now up at AE: The Canadian
Science Fiction Review
, with a fantastic illustration by Lisa Grabenstetter. I changed the title from the leaning-pretentious “Of Rotting Logs” to simply “Grangy”, which conveys the story content better. I also had a recent acceptance by another magazine, which I’ll post about later on. In the meantime, I’d rather be enjoying Yellowstone National Park than updating this site.

On the way back to Chicago I hope to spend time in Wind Cave and Badlands National Parks.

I just made my last food buy for the trip, plus a container of stove fuel. The nights have been cold, averaging below freezing, with a few dips into single digits. So awesome.

Greetings from the west

I’ve been hitting the road hard in a much needed respite. Although smoky, it’s still fantastic to be out here. I spent the night in Big Timber along a river I won’t mention (several friends would harm me if I did). But I did get a chance to snap a couple pictures.

It’s beautiful country, and I consider myself fortunate to be here once again. You never know what can happen in life…sometimes plans can go awry, and beloved landscapes aren’t seen for a long time, or ever again.

AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review – Grangy

I’m beyond pleased to announce that my short story “Grangy” has been accepted for publication by AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review.

I’ll update this post when I get a publication date. AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review is one of the more respected magazines in the business, and I’m thrilled to be on board with them.

This is me celebrating by figuring out what the hell was eating a skunk in the yard:

I’m pretty sure it was a coyote or a fox.