If we could extend our lifespans by a century, would it be a life worth living?
You can read it here.
If we could extend our lifespans by a century, would it be a life worth living?
You can read it here.
I just finished edits today with D.F. McCourt over at AE Science Fiction. Look for “Hydra” very soon. I’m also pleased to announce that the illustration will once more be provided by Lisa Grabenstetter (who did an amazing job with my story “Grangy”). I was given a sneak peak of the new illustration and it’s awesome.
Those who have read my work will recognize “Hydra” immediately. It carries the same aesthetic, but this time explores the potential planetary ecosystem effects of prolonging human life by a century or two.
No matter how much time I spend in the woods (particularly in mountain lion dense areas like Montana) I can never find one.
Most people wouldn’t want to find a mountain lion. I go out of my way to try and find them. But no luck. Yet. Usually what I find are signs warning of mountain lions. Maybe that’s the scariest thing of all…mountain lions as nothing more than a figment of our imagination, bolstered by signs such as these, like some passed down mythology.
I’ve spent an enormous amount of time in the Rocky Mountains this fall. I have failed to glimpse even one mountain lion track. But I like to think they are up there in the higher country, peering down between juniper or ponderosa pine and wondering if I’d make an easy meal. Maybe this is why I look for them. I like the idea of not being at the top of the food chain. There’s humility, ego-check and adventure in this. I emerge from the Rockies knowing that there are things beyond my desires between the strip malls which can knock me off that tired path with the swipe of a paw.
There’s a mountain lion around. Sure there is. Sure.
The folks at Hugo-winning science fiction fanzine SF Signal asked me to be on an authors guest panel for a special Halloween article. Since Halloween is the best holiday, I happily accepted. My choice for “scariest story” is H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Dreams in the Witch House”. Find out why here.