The King is Rising

As my readers know, occasionally I’ll post wildlife photos here since much of my work contains animals. My debut novel THE PULLER features moose, in a rather creepy way (the poor buggers).

This gigantic moose was filmed in Glacier National Park. He did not have to worry about a stealth creature, only a pesky photographer.

The usually calm lake was choppy, almost like an ocean. I had to position myself flat on my stomach on the rocky shore, with the wind in my face.

The moose was looking right at me.

I was freezing. He didn’t care at all.

Moose Rising

Also, be sure to check out my Facebook fan page, which will also contain the latest news as we approach the release date for THE PULLER.

Geiter – Perihelion Science Fiction

I’m happy to report that my latest short story, “Geiter” has been picked up by Perihelion Science Fiction. “Geiter” features a misunderstood hybrid bear, and explores how herd mentality can cloud judgement.

To be honest, I’ve stopped writing short stories this year in order to focus entirely on novels, but I’m pleased to be back on board with Perihelion, a magazine I truly enjoy.

Also, there will be THE PULLER news soon. The big kind.

The Puller pre-order and release date

I’ve been getting emails and IMs from people on Facebook asking about THE PULLER release dates.

THE PULLER will be out relatively soon, with a pre-order around the corner.

That said, there is other news concerning the novel, news that I can’t reveal in any specificity right now, but interesting news nonetheless. You’ll know soon enough.

I’ve been blown away by early reader feedback so far, and other events triggered by the novel. THE PULLER has always been my baby, and I’m glad it will be released soon.



The Puller

I’m happy to report that my novel, The Puller has been picked up for publication. I’d like to thank FinePrint Literary and my agent, Laura Wood. Also, a big thanks to Gary Lucas at Severed Press. And finally, a huge thank you to Sarah Welsh. The Puller would not be possible without her. Thanks, Sarah.

I first started writing The Puller in 1995. It was originally conceived as a short story, and was accepted for a Northwoods ghost anthology by the now defunct Northward Press. However, the story never saw publication. Northward Press was bought out, and the project cancelled. 15 years later, I grew the story into a 97,000 word novel. The Puller was difficult for me on several levels, most of which I won’t get into here. Writing the story was me saying goodbye to my past, and to a landscape I might never see again.

On September 14, 2014, a young Matthew Kearns arrived at a remote cabin in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The plan was to mourn the loss of his father, and figure out his life.

Now he’s fighting for it.

An invisible creature has him trapped. Every time Matt tries to flee, he’s dragged backwards by an unseen force. Turns out the creature is letting him have ten acres to roam. How generous.

Look for pre-order details soon.


