Hey friends, long time no talk (at least for my official writing page and list). I’ve been primarily focused the last year on managing my Facebook page (which now reaches tens of millions of people a year) and writing a screenplay and original concept I REALLY like. As well as my adventure photography and the gym. In addition, you can find me at my Instagram. I also just started a new Youtube and Titktok and would love to see you all over there (all under @michaelhodgesauthor).
So, what’s been going on? I’ve got a couple new novels being shopped by my literary agent. And “The Gloaming” (my short story collection) received a new publisher and cover and the audio rights for “The Invasive” have been renewed for seven years by Tantor Audio, which is cool. They did an amazing job.
In addition to this, I’ve been writing non-fiction articles on my Facebook page to accompany an image or short film, which has been fun and well received by millions upon millions of people.
It was also an honor to recently be contacted by a sitting United States Senator and to be asked for my public endorsement, which I did across my platforms.
In all honesty things have been a bit nuts. Reaching this many people a year has caused some issues in public that I’m adapting to. But I’m not going to lie, I still love going out to bars, socializing, and being way back in the wilderness next to grizzly bears. I seem to gravitate to the core of life, towards the wild things. I don’t like the boring stuff. There’s not much sitting around over here. I’m always moving, always onto the next thrilling thing. Sometimes that can be dangerous, especially in the case of wild animals like moose and grizzlies.
And speaking of that, I just got back from a three week trip to SPECTACULAR Glacier National Park where I hiked and did adventure photography.
Hopefully my Montana fire lookout tower ghost story “Bitterroot” will be coming out soon.
And be good. Or not. Heh.
– Michael