Cover reveal for The Last Colossus

Novel #4.

It’s a diverse novel about the last megalodon, a species thought to have gone extinct due to cooling oceans.

It’s also about sex, death, partying, youth, the loss of family, and the significance of polarity. But most of all, it’s just fun.

The “Last Colossus”, is not just a reference to the megalodon, but also towards Ron Combs, the protagonist.

It’s an important novel for me for several reasons. First, I moved to Missoula two and a half years ago with a Hollywood movie deal in my pocket (my debut novel), and subsequently developed writer’s block. For a hell of a long time.

This novel thankfully represents a turn away from that and back towards the creative aspect of what I do. And I’m thrilled. It took me a year to write this one, the longest it’s ever taken me to craft a novel. But the trench warfare was necessary. It’s the first novel, from first word to last, crafted in Missoula.

The Last Colossus by Michael Hodges

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